My name is Hannette. I have always been a seeker, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the true meaning of life. Surely, there had to be more between heaven and earth. Otherwise, what was the point? However, I didn’t receive much support for this quest at home, as I was raised by fairly rational parents. I was born in 1968, am a mother of three, married, and trained as a lawyer.

I grew up in a traditional family, and my father decided that studying law in Leiden was the best option for me after high school. A degree in art history in Amsterdam was dismissed as something “fun for later.”

I neatly conformed to expectations,except that I did go to Amsterdam.

I kept searching for meaning and during my motherhood, I delved into anthroposophy because I disagreed with many conventional views. For example, I was advised to let my crying baby cry it out for a few nights. That went against every cell of my being. However, since my young family was still living in a rather traditional environment, I navigated between different worlds.

The busyness of family life put my quest on the back burner, and I led a rich and dynamic life according to the standard and rather conventional expectations..

But as they say, you can’t ignore what’s in your nature. When my children grew older and were nearly out of the house, the restlessness returned. I realized that I often reacted in ways I didn’t like, ways that no longer felt true to who I was.

Who am I, really?

What am I doing here?

What is my soul's purpose?

Am I living my true authentic self?

Big questions that manifested in restlessness, worrying, procrastination, and suspicion towards life. I was searching for peace, peace of mind, certainty, trust, and surrender..


And so I started with courses and training. Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Yoga Nidra, and PSYCH-K®️. I had always been a listening ear for many of my friends, and I increasingly became a "wise woman" for the younger women in my circle. Initially, I found that label uncomfortable, but I have since embraced that compliment. In my own process, I realized that the busyness of my family had been a veil I hid behind comfortably. But when I started digging into what I truly wanted, I discovered that much of my unrest stemmed from unresolved traumas from my past. I often jokingly say, "no childhood without trauma," but the more I delve into it, the more I see that this is no joke.


Now I know that the unrest doesn't come from needing to go somewhere, but from losing the way home.

Every day, I learn. I’ve never been so eager to learn. This work is truly my passion. I love walking the path home with my clients – their home, their heart, and soul. It may sound a bit cliché, but for me, this is my path to a fulfilled and authentic life.

Spirituality and Science

I find it fascinating how our body works, and I don't believe in a separation of powers.

For me, mind, body, and soul are a sacred trinity.

The fact that our subconscious determines 95% of our thoughts, emotions, and behavior, but that it is also changeable, was an insight that changed my life. Knowing this, you can drastically change your life.

I would like everyone to know how the subconscious works and the huge impact it has on your daily life.

The advancing insights of science are making many things that were previously dismissed as woo-woo or airy-fairy now truly supported. Honestly, as someone who was once a walking head and is now learning to be a feeling person, I find that quite reassuring.

I don't believe you can talk a deep impact out of your system. You can forget, but your body and subconscious don't forget. It takes more than talk therapy for that.

Wat ik wel geloof is dat bewustwording en kennis een groot deel van je proces bespoedigen.


If you work with me, you know that I am incredibly passionate about this work, but I also expect the same burning passion from you when it comes to investing in yourself. A journey is like a marriage—it requires hard work, but what you put into it, you will get back.

A wise woman, not an old woman.

If you're in your 40s or 50s, you have so much to offer. You’re wise, you have tons of life experience, and since you're no longer having children, the time is truly yours. Today, at this age, you're still young and invaluable to your surroundings and society. I see many women disqualifying themselves (too old, too late), and I want to change that perception.

And more importantly, it’s time to rediscover yourself.

Who are you at your core, and what desires are connected to that?

Before you start working with me, I must warn you, I can't be put in a box.

They, who went before you

Coaching is no luxury

Coaching and investing in yourself is not a luxury. You also go to the dentist annually or get your hair colored at the salon, right? Mental coaching is not for fragile or stressed people. It is for those who value themselves enough to continue growing. Especially when you consider that this mental cleansing brings you inner peace, allowing you to live a fulfilled and joyful life from that found

Many people easily spend a few hundred euros on dining out, cosmetics, or clothing – I don't understand why you wouldn't want to invest that money in yourself.

"I'd rather walk on sunshine than on new sneakers"